About Me

Elena Pezzolla
I’m a Digital Marketer
“Be where the world is going.”
The Junior Woodchuck of Web Marketing
I’m Elena and I like to put the curiosity and passion that characterize me at the disposal of my colleagues and, above all, of the customer.
Since I was a young girl I have had an interest in foreign languages and cultures, luck has also given me a good ease in learning sounds and grammar rules different from my mother tongue.
During and after my studies I was bewitched by the digital world and, above all, by the almost unlimited source of opportunities, for anyone, the web offers.
Growing up I am learning the value of a balanced lifestyle which is essential to be more serene and productive people, for this reason I would also like very much to be able to give my contribution using methods such as remote work .
Why “The Junior Woodchuck of Web Marketing”?
I chose to identify with this character because it embodies almost completely my values and my passions, moreover:
““The hallmark of the Junior Woodchucks is their spirited dedication to environmental protection, animal welfare and international peace, as well as the preservation of knowledge and the furtherance of science & technology.”(Source)
Other characteristics are the extreme curiosity and the resourcefulness to explore unknown places (physical and otherwise), fields or sectors, informing oneself and studying (remember the famous Junior Woodchucks’ Guidebook ? 😉) so as to feel able to guide and accompany others within these uncharted terrains.
Here is my approach and what I want to do: go ahead in the field of Web Marketing, study, make mistakes and learn until I can guide and support you in this sector which for some can be difficult.