Other Skills

/ / Other Skills

Elena Pezzolla

“Be where the world is going.”

Foreign languages graduate, I fell in love with the web and digital world.


Customer Service




Events organization




Secretarial activities



Where did I get experience

JAN 2017 – APR 2018

Tecnobody srl

Bergamo (Italy)

Support Department Secretary

Everyday responsibilities

  • Deal directly with customers either by telephone and email
  • Respond promptly to customer inquiries
  • Support/maintenance agreements or offers preparation
  • Record details of inquiries and complaints
JUL 2015 – JAN 2016

Municipality of Belluno

Culture, Art and Events Department – Belluno (Italy)


Everyday responsibilities

  • Collaboration in planning, organization and promotion of different types of events (national festivities, cultural events) organized by the Administration
  • Taking care of the logistic preparation, the concrete organization during the event and the promotion/ communication
  • Collaboration in the management and updating of thematic websites (“Oltre Le Vette” and the one dedicated to the associations for example)
  • Creation and development of the newsletter of cultural events

Some of the events I worked on:

  • Ferragosto e Dintorni 2015 (cultural festival and rediscovery of the beauties of the city)
  • Pic Nic della Cultura. Cultura in Festa 2015 (day dedicated to cultural associations to showcase to the citizens the actors of the cultural life of the city)
  • Oltre le Vette 2015 (cultural festival about the theme of Mountain) www.oltrelevette.it
  • Passi e Trapassi 2015 (cultural festival on the themes of death and dying)
  • Natale Solidale 2015 (event dedicated to the world of volunteering)
  • Natale in Musica 2015 (historic city center animated by choirs and popular/traditional music)
JUL 2013 – AUG 2013

G One Viaggi

Belluno (Italy)

Group Travels Office and Administration – Intern

Everyday responsibilities

  • Creation, organization and promotion (online and offline) of group travel as well as some small events organized by the travel agency
  • Marketing activities (digital, web and social media)
  • Collaboration in the website updating
  • Secretarial activities
2010 – 2011

Palladio Group Management – Pezzolla KG

Lienz (Austria)

Import/Export Specialist

Everyday responsibilities

  • Import and export activities in close contact with Italian and foreign customers and suppliers
  • Offer preparation
  • Commercial negotiations in language
  • Collaboration in marketing activities
2008 – 2010

Pan Opera Group

Zurich (Switzerland)

Import-Export Office Assistant

  • Secretarial and assistant activities for the Import-export manager
  • Deal with Italian and foreign customers, taking care of the orders and CRM
  • Translations in English, French, German of : product sheets,catalogs and website texts
  • Collaboration in the construction and maintenance and optimization of the website


Where did I get my skills


Università Ca’ Foscari

Venezia (Italy)

Degree in Foreign Languages and International Relations & Law


Istituto G. Renier

Belluno (Italy)

Language High School Diploma


Corso di formazione generale in materia di salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro secondo l’Accordo Stato-Regioni 21 dicembre 2011





Corso finanziato dal Fondo Sociale Europeo, 2013

Hubspot Academy

Google Digital Garage

Google Academy for Ads

Google Academy for Ads


“Not only was Elena an incredible and indispensable help, she was quick to follow up if too long a time had passed, and was graciously patient when communication on our end was not the best. Very understanding, hard working, great worker.”

This is why you should hire me

I am a very curious person and it is easy for me to learn new skills or use new software. I believe in continuous personal development.

I can translate content to and from Italian, English, French and German.

I believe that it is a priority to produce results (tangible and not) that create value and improvement at the micro and macro level.

Not always urgent means important, not necessarily a short and apparently simple task is not important.

In dynamic life and work environment, like the current ones, adaptability can mean success or failure.

I’ll always have a lot to learn and I like to share what I know. I borrow the quote of Michael Jordan: “Talents win matches, team play and intelligence win championships.”