Language Localization

/ / Language Localization

Definition of Language Localization

Language localisation (or language localization) is the process of adapting a product’s translation to a specific country or region. It is the second phase of a larger process of product translation and cultural adaptation (for specific countries, regions, cultures or groups) to account for differences in distinct markets, a process known as internationalisation and localisation.
The localisation process is most generally related to the cultural adaptation and translation of software, video games, websites, and technical communication, as well as audio/voiceover, video, or other multimedia content, and less frequently to any written translation (which may also involve cultural adaptation processes). Localisation can be done for regions or countries where people speak different languages or where the same language is spoken.

Difference between Translation and Localization

Translation often involves the “simple” replacement of the words of one language with those of another language within a given context. Localization is a more complex process that goes beyond translation, modifying the source language and other, not only linguistic but also cultural and graphic, elements in order to adapt them to the client’s preferences in the target language.

Reasons to Localize Digital Marketing

  • A large-scale behavioral study in 2014 showed that 75% of consumers are more likely to buy products from websites in their native language.  Source
  • Around 40% of internet users said they will never buy from websites that are not in their native language. Source
  • 65% of non-native English speakers prefer content in their native tongue, even though they are highly proficient in English.  Source
  • Translating your website for these 4 countries is estimated to give you access to 50% of worldwide sales potential: United States, China, Japan, and Germany. Source
  • Businesses that invested in translation were 1.5 times more likely to observe an increase in revenue. Source
  • 86% of localized mobile advertisements performed better than their English counterparts, showing a 22% and 42% increase in conversion and click-through rates respectively. Source
  • In one study, localized copy increased the click-through rates of ads by 22% among women and 87% among men.  Source
  • Translating your website to the following languages enables you reach 80% of the online purchasing power globally. Source

Main phases of Localization Process

  1. The translation of the meaning in addition to the signifier by adapting the tone of the communication to the technical standards of reference, to the stylistic requirements, to the expectations and requests of the target market;
  2. The conversion of currencies, sizes and reference units of measurement
  3. The adaptation of legal information according to the applicable jurisdiction
  4. The revision of the privacy regulations
  5. The reconfiguration of the layout and arrangement of texts and contents
  6. The transformation of graphic and scripting components, harmonizing them with the context of the localized text
  7. SEO optimization (when it comes to web content)

Some Advices

Generally speaking, we should pay attention to cultural aspects such as:

  • Colors, shapes, sizes, styles
  • Images, icons, graphics
  • Social codes, e.g. humor, etiquette, rituals, beliefs, symbols

When linguistically localizing a Website:

  • A careful analysis of your linguistic-cultural target allows you to choose the solution that best suits your business needs and to improve the corporate position in the long term.
  • Taking into consideration the quality of the User Experience on different devices is fundamental; it is crucial to offer users an easy and pleasant browsing and shopping experience
  • The multilingual versions of the site must maintain a certain consistency with each other: fonts, colors, logos, menus and small elements of the design must remain identical
  • Visual and textual elements of the website must be tested to ensure that they are suitable for your target.

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